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WTV.Which is the strongest nation in Warcraft 3?

由 shad 在 周四, 2007-10-25 08:04 提交
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由 vepaks 在 周日, 2008-03-02 21:17 提交

Go Go Go GO Bulgaria The best :P

由 Wind2dk 在 周六, 2007-12-08 19:20 提交

Denmark belongs in that list... we might not have a lot of players but those we have are in the very top of the dota players and our national team came second at the last mym nations

由 Einhorn 在 周四, 2007-10-25 12:16 提交

luxembourg is so weak and unimportant that it's not even funny ^_^;

The Arctic for the win!

由 legendfan 在 周六, 2007-10-27 17:25 提交

you jokin me ? rofl luxemburg
Sweden, Finland and Germany are missing !!! but 1st ist Korea, ofc

由 ad.kain 在 周六, 2007-10-27 18:19 提交

1. Korea
2. China
3. Finland
4. Sweden
5. Germany
6. Russia
7. Bulgaria

由 nightvol 在 周六, 2007-11-17 12:44 提交

what is luxemburg?

由 pbyeah 在 周四, 2008-02-14 00:53 提交

Consisting of the best players of the world such like Sky,Fly,Th000,Team China will beat all others including South Korea.

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